Access Oceanside Association
Check out some of the important work we've been doing.
Architectural or structural barriers can make it difficult or even impossible for people with disabilities to function.
A person with mobility limitations faces many challenges. According to Statistics Canada the 2017 Canadian Survey on Disability Reports Accessibility Findings there are 6.2 million Canadians aged 15 and older who have a disability.
Did You
Parliament adopted the Accessible Canada Act in 2019 to remove and prevent barriers by 2040. The Act applies to the federal government and organizations regulated by the federal government.
Steps and curbs that block a person from entering a building or using a sidewalk.
Shopping aisles and parking spaces that are too narrow to accommodate people who use wheelchairs.
Lack of push buttons to allow automatic entry and exit.
Lack of convenient public transportation.
Buildings without elevators or wheelchair ramps.
Inaccessible washrooms.
Fixed tables and seats in eating areas that are too narrow to accommodate a person using a wheelchair or that prevent a person using a wheelchair from pulling under the table.
The purpose of Access Oceanside Association (AOA) is to advocate for the removal of barriers in our community.
You can help make Oceanside as accessible and inclusive as possible.
Check out some of our past successes and on going efforts.
Parks and Trails
AOA has consulted with RDN on accessibility of the Lighthouse trail and the Parksville to Coombs Rail Trail.
AOA members try to visit and review a number of local trails each year, sending information on upgrades/repairs to relevant authorities.
Gym Equipment
AOA, in collaboration with Universal Access Qualicum Beach, raised funds to purchase a Bungee Mobility Trainer and other specialized exercise equipment for the Oceanside area.
Qualicum Beach has just completed a pilot program and is seeking grants to support on-going operation for an exercise program for individuals with disabilities called Oceanside Integrated Fitness. AOA is involved in liaison with and letters of support for accessible/inclusive exercise opportunities for those with disabilities in the Oceanside area.
Many parts of Oceanside are not served by transit, and currently HandiDart service is only available where regular transit goes.
AOA has been lobbying for Handi-Dart services, if not full transit, across the region, particularly in areas where housing costs are lower, and thus those with disabilities choose to live in (e.g., Errington, Coombs).
Pedestrian Signals
AOA convinced the City to lengthen crossing signals along Island Highway in the Parksville downtown core.
AOA routinely sends reports regarding crossings in need of re-design, curb cuts, repair, traffic calming, etc.
AOA persuaded the City to install Braille signage on the public washrooms in Parksville City Hall. AOA consulted with the Project lead regarding accessibility for Community Park re-design, including accessible washrooms.
AOA lobbies to have door operators installed both inside and outside washroom, so people with disabilities are not stranded inside.
Hotel Equipment
Life Support, a local durable medical equipment vendor, lends equipment to local hotels, when asked, to accommodate greater accessibility.
Assessment of hotel rooms and adaptive equipment is currently on-going across the area. Reports are provided to each participating hotel/motel.
Beach Access
Thanks to Access Oceanside Association and others for their dedication to the mobi-mat project and the generous financial support of Corona Canada Parksville Beach now has a mobi-mat and two floating beach wheelchair.s.
Accessible beaches are those that have amenities such as ramps, specialized wheelchairs and mats that make it possible for disabled people and those who have limited mobility to enjoy the sun, and the sea.